Thursday, August 7, 2008


There is a god....Brett Favre and the Packers have come to an sending Brett to the New York Jets

New York hype+Brett Favre hype.....well..there is a god..but we werent specific in our prayers..

Anyways...the Jets arent...well..overly terrible on paper...the WRs are decent in Coles and Cotchery(who had a very quiet 1100+ yds last year) with newcomer Keller at the tight end...and Thomas Jones in the backfield...the offense looks like it could do something once Brett gets to speed with the that translates into wins..I'm...not sure..the defense isnt really much to speak about...and oh yeah..they get to play the Patriots 2x a which I think I could take bets on how Brett will throw over 3 interceptions in one game...ultimately...its a football "story" more than an football move to me...atleast so far

What?...the Jets had quarterbacks before yesterday?'re kidding?....Chad Pennington(the soft throwing Chad to some) has already been cut and the growth of Kellen Clemens will be held off for a few years....Chad is the most accurate quarterback in NFL history...take that for what its worth...but he is a pretty good he has options..such as

-San Francisco?
-Kansas City

Other than Minnesota...ew right?....I'd say so

The Panthers Steve Smith...has an anger issue...he broke a teammate's nose and gave him a blackeye when he wasnt looking(well...sorta lol)..his suspension for 2 games was needed..but I dont think it will help the team at all...they have talent issues(*cough*quarterback *cough*) but personal issues isnt what they need either..even from their best player

Now I can shrink the small readers I do have for this next small statement....Yay! more Jose Vidro!!...sorry for that..

The Olympics start....::shrugs:: sometime?....soon...dont really care...nothing against the Olympics..even though its more marketing than competition..but that is another convo..but I'm not watching any of it...I cant support what China has been doing involving the Dali Lama as well as having a hand in thanks..I wont tell anyone what they should and shouldnt be watching..but what they are doing is wrong...and shouldnt be rewarded for it...

Speaking of which...I really hate what Lebron and Kobe did involving China...both were outspoken about Darfur and genocide prior to the Olympics..Lebron spoke in-depth about it on Outside the Lines...Kobe had a PSA about it..but recently when asked about the same thing...they play it coy.."Let the political people handle that stuff...we just play basketball"..something to that"all of a sudden" you dont have an opinion?..even though you go on record of saying you did?....older people are right...athletes are they are more worried about bank statements than right or matter how wrong it is..I understand that there is a time and a place for everything,but talking noise initially and then when you get there you forget what you were talking about is shameful and selfish...athletes can hold great influence..if they want to.

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